An inter-seminar contest, for chocolate, Milky Way or Reese's/Kit-Kats.
One article says SES doesn't change mortality.
One says health insurance is related.
One says health behaviors and health insurance coverage can be controlled for, but still there is a connection between SES and health.
One followed that smoking, alcohol use, physical activity, BMI can be controlled and still show connection between SES and health.
One (echoing tonights exercise) blames lack of housing for homelessness.
One says individual factors dictate who will be homeless, but housing is the fundamental determinant.
One identifies the context of risk factors as important.
One denies the idea that risk factors are not causally related.
One affirms that risks of risks and social conditions for risk are both important.
I haven't done the readings (yet). I haven't missed a question.
Now chocolate:
From Cacao, Almond Joy has nuts, Violet Beauregard became a blueberry, Water for Chocolate in Mexico, Chocolate fights Dementors, and Epidemiology can study risk factors for risk factors - Social Epidemiology.