Thursday, May 1, 2008

A deep, abiding love of bad TV

Removing personal responsibility from obesity awareness - the American Dream is hurting our overweight population. No lapel pin here.
Corporate culture shirking responsibility - problem users cause obesity, not problem products.
I'd like an evolutionary argument here somewhere, people are built to survive, not buy 3L bottles of Coke for $2 and eat whole 3500-calorie pans of brownies for less.
100g sirloin: 259 calories.
100g Betty Crocker brownies: 397 calories.
100g Coke: 40 calores. But that's only 4 ounces, and who drinks 4 ounces?
100g white rice: 361 calories.
100g black beans: 227 calories. Also, 15g protein and 15g fiber.
Compare the above two to 100g whole-wheat bread: 261 calories, 6 grams of fiber, 8 of protein.
Superfood, anyone?