We're officially promoting the "Coke Cares, but not that much" position. Our corporate identity is unshakable.
Also, someone is trying to injure our panel, by dropping the screen on them. Consternation abounds. It's like a really, really, slow guillotine that'll give a nasty bump.
These are always so stilted.
Public Health Advocacy Institute: Think of the children, especially the obese children, who shouldn't be allowed to drink soda at school. (Just at home.) "Nutritional justice for our children."
A group is playing children? Please, let there not be acting. Gaffes, though, we have those. And anti-authority positions, and stereotypes of disobedient, rebellious kids! Nickelodeon is against the bill.
PTA: School system and higher taxes for rich town to support food in underclass area.
Teachers Association: Wrong cause, losing that good vending machine money. Also, how many people here don't realize Coke sells juice and water? Snark from legislators - are teachers implying they don't know how kids work?
Also, I don't ever take real notes anymore. Is it because there's very little learning happening? This whole "experience" isn't working.
Coke: Sell our juice and water. We still make money. And we "abstain," like those other public health initiatives, and like kids should based upon their individual choice.
Vending Machine Association: Yeah limiting choice, no limiting sales! They're going to have to pick something, and it won't be a nalgene unless we can sell those too.
BUSPH Students: Enlightened. Bill is the wrong approach (both), loses revenue, support to schools, and juice is expensive. (And not really any healthier? There's as much sugar in 100% juice as a Coke.) Micromanages nutrition, other approaches to health are necessary...and how much more dogma? Isn't this a step in the right direction?
And happy birthday...fabulous prizes!